'Sound Wave' B-24M | 10-FO 44-50747
Kunstwerk Sound Wave'' B-24M | 10-Fo 44 50747 op de Schenkeldijk tussen Brouwershaven en Zonnemaire

Plaatsing 'Sound Wave' B-24M | 10-F0 44-50747
Plaatsing 'Sound Wave'B-24M | 10-FO 44-50747 op de Schenkeldijk tussen Brouwershaven en Zonnemaire

This is the cardboard try-out for the steel version of 'Anamorphosis'

@ Keukenhof
Floral sculptures 'Iris' and 'Perishable Flowers Memorosa' are in the exhibiton @ Keukenhof

Working on the exhibition @ W45 in Goes
Preparing the exhibition 'De kunstenaars achter de kunstenaarsinitiatieven' @ kunstruimte W45, Goes

@ 'Beelden op de Scheldeboulevard'
The influence of rain and sunshine on 'Perishable Flowers'

Beelden op de Scheldeboulevard
Perishable Flowers; number 24 @ Beelden op de scheldeboulevard

We are still working on it
Working on the exhibition for the Kunstschouw 2014 with Jessica van Rooden- van der List and Michiel Paalvast

Florilegium This floral sculpture is made of a book. Florilegium means anthology translated as "Bloemlezing" in Dutch This Floral Reading...

Florilegium; added to the wALLofsmALLart @ KipVis Vlissingen